Axtra Touch
💥 #OHNO ! Sudden breakdown?! 🤯 📌 #Bookmark this! Things to consider before buying appliances! 📋✅
Read now#OHNO ! Sudden breakdown?! #Bookmark this! Things to consider before buying appliances! Majority of the electrical appliances will gradually run down and have problems after being used for some time. But when you try to #ClaimWarranty you will then realized...
#RandomQuestions ! Have no idea to go through with the #Dealer or the #Manufacturer for #Warranty on #HomeAppliances ? 🔧🤔
Read now#RandomQuestions ! Have no idea to go through with the #Dealer or the #Manufacturer for #Warranty on #HomeAppliances ? Don't worry! We help you out! Do not attempt to repair malfunctioning home appliances on your own when the home appliances...
【 #随机提问 !#电器保修 应该找谁呢?🔧🤔】 【对此毫无头绪?我们帮您解决!🧰✅】
面临电器“罢工”,即出现故障的问题时,千万不要自己动手修理或是找来其他非专业人士修理! 这是因为如果是自己动手修理的话,很有可能会威胁到自身安全 而找非专业维修人员的话,则可能会弄巧反拙,甚至需要额外花费一笔开销! -
#HomeAppliances having malfunctions? 🤯⚠️ Fret not! Pass it on to us and get rid of extra expenses! 💪🔧❌
Read now#HomeAppliances having malfunctions? Fret not! Pass it on to us and get rid of extra expenses! No matter which home appliance it is, maintenance is required after a long time of use It's expected that changes would occur in the...
As a daily user of "it", did you really know "it" well? 🤔 Make certain of these points to fully utilize your 💦 #Washer ! 🌟
Read nowAs a daily user of "it", did you really know "it" well? Make certain of these points to fully utilize your #Washer ! The washer has become a must-have item in our life, but do you know exactly how to...
【每天用“它”的你,其实真的了解“它”吗?🤔】 【弄清楚这几点,家里的 #洗衣机 💦 想怎么用就怎用!🌟】