🌟Axtra 最新访谈系列之《问一问 TBM 💬》第三集 🌟
服 务 业 到 底 难 不 难 

因为 “一句话” 而被激起
,从此励志要做到 Best in class
服务的一个故事,听听 TBM‘s General Manager,Wai Keat 怎么娓娓道来。

We've all probably had the terrible experience of buying clothes with joy but spoiled after just one wash! Is it the poor quality of the clothes? Or the washing machine problem? Not really Would you care to know what...
Often get colds at midnight?! 3 risks of sleeping with air conditioning! According to MetMalaysia, Malaysia is experiencing a period of hot temperatures recently and could last until July! Thus, everyone likes to stay in the #AirConditioned rooms and sleep...