#DriedFlowers can be made in 30 minutes?! 😲 Make dried flowers by using an #AirFryer to capture the best moments 💥🌹

#DriedFlowers can be made in 30 minutes?!
Make dried flowers by using an #AirFryer to capture the best moments 

Every girl who receives a flower will have a big smile on her face 
However, preserving the flower is always a difficult issue 

When they receive a #memorable bouquet, most people will choose to make #DriedFlowers to preserve the flowers while the flowers are at their most attractive moments
But, most #DriedFlowerMakingMethods found on the Internet such as #NaturalAirDrying and #DesiccantEmbossing needs several days to complete
Furthermore, these methods are also vulnerable to environmental factors that can cause dried flowers easy to #mould
during the drying process, causing in a low success rate of dried flower making 

Isn't there a method that is more convenient, faster and more successful?

You can make perfect dried flowers
at home in just #30 minutes with an #AirFryer! Not only does it save time and effort, but it also reduces the possibility of mould growing on dried flowers!
Resulting in the success rate of making dried flowers has greatly increased!
Place the dried flowers on your bedside table so that you can occasionally smell the #NaturalFragrance and feel happier~ 

Following are the steps of making dried flowers. It’s very simple and easy, let’s try it out!

: Prune the Branches and Leaves of the Flowers

To create a layered look when arranging dried flowers in a vase, the branches can be varying lengths.
: Wrap Them in Paper or Tin Foil

This step can prevent the petals from blowing away.
: Arrange the Flowers Neatly in the Grid Tray of the Air Fryer

To avoid failure or poor results when making dried flowers, keep in mind NOT to stack them on top of one another.

: Set the Air Fryer to 80°C and Bake for 30 minutes

You can pause at any time to check the condition of the dried flowers. You may add an additional 10 minutes if the dried flowers have not dried after 30 minutes, depending on the situation.
: Remove the Dried Flowers from the Grid Tray and Leave It to Rest for 30 Minutes

Wait patiently for the remaining petals to crisp up, as the centre may still be a little soft. You may arrange the dried flower in a vase once it dried and set after 30 minutes.

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