
2022 年 Star 卓越企业奖(SOBA Awards)最佳客户服务奖,收获囊中!
为了表彰崭露头角的中小型企业并肯定他们对本地经济的努力和贡献,《星报》集团的SOBA Awards 来到了第 12 个年头。TBM 自创立以来首次参与其中,不负众望荣获得最佳客户服务奖(Best in Customer Service)的白金奖!我们十分感谢 SOBA Awards 对 TBM 服务客户表现的肯定,也非常感谢大家这么多年的支持。
我们的服务并不止于成功售卖一件电器,售后,我们会积极了解客户的使用心得,并亲切地致电给每一位顾客。收到客户回馈时,我们也会第一时间回复,把客户的需求放置到首要位置。我们最想听见客户最真切的心声,每一位客户的声音,都指引 TBM 提供更加完善的服务。2022 年 SOBA Awards 最佳客户服务奖并非 TBM 独自拥有,而是属于每一位投票给我们的客户。大家的每一票代表着对我们的信任,以及对服务的满意和嘉许。对我们而言,这些是更为珍贵的奖项。
TBM 再次感谢 SOBA Awards 和支持我们的每一个人。通过这个比赛,我们清晰地了解 TBM在国内处于什么位置,也能够让我们更好地规划下一步发展。2023 年,我们将继续努力,为大家提供最好的服务!
TBM continues to provide high-quality services to the community, and has been awarded the Platinum Award for Best Customer at The Star SOBA Awards 2022!
The Star Group’s SOBA Awards, which recognise emerging SMEs for their efforts and contributions to the local economy, are now in their 12th year. TBM participated in the award for the first time since its inception and managed to win the platinum award for Best in Customer Service! We are very grateful to the SOBA Awards for recognising TBM's performance in serving our customers and for all the support we have received over the years.
As an established electronic appliances company, we believe in providing our customers with best-in-class service that enhances quality of life. We offer a complete purchase lifecycle, including product recommendations, delivery services, installations, repairs, e-waste disposal and trade-ins – ensuring a worry-free shopping experience. Although we humbly acknowledge imperfections in our service to our customers, we continue to strive for perfection in every aspect.
We provide services not only during sales but also after sales. We actively collect customer reviews and make friendly phone calls to each customer. We will also respond immediately to their feedbacks, placing their needs at the forefront. We urged to hear the voices from our customers, and each one of them guides TBM to provide better services. The 2022 SOBA Awards for the Best in Customer Service belongs to not only TBM alone but also to everyone who voted for us. Each vote represents confidence, satisfaction, and appreciation for our services. For us, these are the more valuable awards.
Once again, TBM would like to express our sincere gratitude to the SOBA Awards and everyone who has supported us. This competition has given us a clear understanding of where TBM stands in Malaysia and allowed us to plan our next steps better. In year 2023, we will continue to provide our customers with the best service!
#TBM #WeCare #OnlineStore #OneStepTogether #TheStarSoba #SOBAAwards2022 #BestCustomerService #PlatinumAward
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